

Welcome to our cosy corner of the web! We’re a mother-daughter duo from Melbourne, Australia, with a shared love for the beauty and serenity of Bali, Indonesia.

Our journey started when we saw a need for high-quality, sustainable sleepwear and everyday wear that effortlessly blends comfort with style. With the bustling world of fast fashion quantity is often prioritised over quality. We wanted to create something that stands out from the rest.

Each piece in our collection is thoughtfully crafted with love, using sustainable fabrics like cotton and linen rami. These natural materials are breathable, comfortable, and environmentally friendly. Our goal is to offer versatile, effortless pieces that you can wear while traveling, or simply enjoying some downtime.

Our designs are inspired by our passions for travel, beautiful textiles, and vibrant colours. We embrace the Danish concept of “hygge,” which celebrates the warmth and comfort you create in your own space. Picture yourself sipping tea by candlelight in your favourite pyjamas or loungewear—that’s the feeling we strive to capture in every piece we make.

Since our launch in 2020, our brand has been dedicated to enhancing your everyday moments with well-crafted, meaningful pieces that add a touch of relaxation and joy to your life. Our colour palettes and prints draw inspiration from tropical flowers and the sea, bringing a sense of warmth and tranquillity to your wardrobe.

Thank you for being a part of our journey toward a more sustainable and stylish way of living. We hope our collection brings you as much comfort and happiness as it brings us.